Recently updated on January 2nd, 2023 at 10:58 pm
If you’re wondering how to make Jotaro in 5E DnD, I’ve got you covered. Below, you’ll find the best JoJo build for Dungeons and Dragons, focusing on the absolute best class and subclass. Click below to get started!
Table of Contents
About Jotaro
We all know that Jotaro Kujo is the protagonist of Part 3 (as well as appearing in Parts 4-6) in the ever-popular JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure show. This character is widely regarded as a favorite. In this guide, I’ve constructed the perfect build for someone hoping to pursue their fantasy of being Jotaro in D&D.
D&D Character Background Options for JoJo
There are a few character background options for JoJo in DnD. Here’s what I would go with:
- Criminal – Jotaro is introduced in the show as a delinquent with a gentle heart and loyal to those he likes. So Criminal could make sense.
- Urchin – With the Urchin background, the character grew up alone, orphaned, and poor. That may not perfectly line up with JoJo, but the fact that he’s neutral and disinterested could make sense.
- Marine – Ok, so this is more of a joke. But according to the Wiki, Jotaro earned a PhD in marine biology. The Marine background is more focused on the military group, but still could be a funny background to pursue for your JoJo character.
Again, there’s got to be some flavor, but the short of it is that JoJo is not very personable. He specifically doesn’t think that portraying emotions or feelings is worth it. Because of that, people may view him as heartless. So he may not have much experience or desire to have a lot of connections with people, which is why the above background options make sense.
Related –> How to write a D&D character backstory
Must-Have Stats for JoJo in DnD
Using the Standard point array while rolling up this build, here are the stats that you’ll want to focus on when building out JoJo, in order:
- Dexterity: 15
- Wisdom: 14
- Constitution: 13
- Strength: 12
- Intelligence: 10
- Charisma: 8
Based on the class we’ll be choosing (hint: monk), we know that the 3 primary stats we’ll want to focus on are DEX, WIS, and CON. This makes sense for JoJo because he attacks fast and is nimble for his size (DEX), can easily pick up on behaviors (Wisdom – Star Platinum is extremely perceptive), and we need to endure a lot if Dio is part of the campaign (CON).
Race Options for JoJo in DnD
When it comes to the race options in DnD, there are two that make sense for Jotaro in DnD:
- Human
- Variant Human
Because of the race we’re going with, you can go with Variant Human and get the Fighting Initiate feat that allows for the Unarmed Fighting style. With this, Unarmed Strikes will deal 1d6 + STR in bludgeoning damage (instead of the typical 1+STR or 1d4 for Monks). Plus, when you strike with two free hands, the d6 becomes a d8!
Class Option for JoJo in DnD
The class we’ll be choosing for this build is the Monk class. On it’s own, it may not make too much sense to go with a Monk for a JoJo build, but it’s the subclass that really brings it together. I’ll get into that a bit more below.
How to Build JoJo in D&D
Now that we have a solid understanding of the background character, and a good idea of what race and class to choose, let’s walk through, level by level, how to build out JoJo in D&D.
The best part of this guide is that, basically from the get-go, you’ll be able to roleplay as JoJo both in and out of combat!
Level 1 – Fist Fights!
Starting at Level 1, we’ll take the Monk class. This makes sense because, in JoJo, many of the conflicts end with drawn out fist fights. This is perfect for Monks who don’t just enjoy using their fists, but are given specific buffs that actually promote the use of their fists.
For example, non-Monk characters that attack with an Unarmed Strike will deal damage equal to 1+STR, whereas your JoJo Monk will deal 1d4 damage using their fists starting at Level 1. Plus, when you choose Unarmed Strike (or attack with a Monk weapon) as your Attack action, you can make another Unarmed Strike for your bonus action.
Level 2 – Unlock Ki
At Level 2, we unlock the following:
- Ki – this is the exciting unlock at Level 2, unlocking the following features:
- Flurry of Blows – Immediately after you take the Attack action, spend 1 Ki point to make 2 unarmed strikes as a bonus action.
- Patient Defense – Spend 1 Ki point to take the Dodge Action as a bonus action.
- Step of the Wind – Spend 1 Ki point to take the Disengage or Dash action as a bonus action (jump distance is also doubled for the turn).
- Unarmored Movement – while not wearing armor, your character’s speed increases by 10 feet (and goes up in later levels as well)
The introduction of Ki allows for some interesting roleplay scenarios in battle. And, while some of this will be flavor, if you’re staying true to the JoJo character as much as possible, and understanding how many of the conflicts in the show went, Flurry of Blows makes a lot of sense.
Level 3 – Subclass
At Level 3, we unlock the option to take a Monk Subclass, or Monastic Traditions. There are a few options for us, but one stands out as the clear choice if we’re trying to replicate Jutaro in D&D. And that option is the Way of the Astral Self Monk.
Way of the Astral Self Monk
Wizards of the Coast introduced a subclass in 2019 that was, basically, pulled straight out of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. The subclass is called the Way of the Astral Self. We’ll go with that one. Upon taking the Subclass, we unlock:
- Arms of the Astral Self – Can be activated as Monk weapons that cost 2 Ki points and have a 10 foot reach. Plus, they last for 10 minutes. Keep in mind that WIS is used as the modifier for attacks and saving throws.
- Ki-Fueled Attack – For your bonus action, you can have an extra attack
- Deflect Missiles – Does what the name suggests. At 3rd level, your monk will be able to deflect or catch ranged weapon missiles.
DnD Beyond has an introductory note for Way of the Astral Self that says “Note to self: create a spell that lets you throat-punch people with your ghost.” Pretty funny, and something that makes sense with JoJo’s kit.
Why is the Way of the Astral Self Monk Jotaro in DnD?
Well, it’s simple. The Way of the Astral Self Monk unlocks the astral self, which is “a translucent embodiment of the monk’s psyche and soul. As a result, the form of an astral self reflects the mind of the monk who manifests it”. That’s taken straight from the explanation of the subclass (again, see this page).
Basically, the Way of the Astral Self allows a Monk to project the astral self of the character. In other words, your Monk will be able to “Unleash your stand!” It’s basically the same thing. The difference, especially early on, is that the astral self in D&D doesn’t last very long.
Regardless, this makes for some very interesting roleplay in game that will allow you to play just like Jotaro. The astral self can represent what makes sense for the character. This means you can have your projected astral self in D&D look exactly like Star Platinum. It couldn’t be a more perfect fit.
Level 4 – Get Stronger
Not too much happens when your JoJo Monk reaches Level 4, but you do unlock the following:
- Ability Score Improvement – I’d suggest taking CON here to make your character a bit beefier.
- Slow Fall – While your character can’t fly, Slow Fall allows you to reduce falling damage that equals 5 times your monk level (at 4th level, that’s 20 damage which isn’t bad!)
Your Monk is starting to look better!
Level 5 – JoJo Time Stop?
Level 5 gives your character some additional utility, with the following unlocks:
- Extra Attack – That’s right, on top of the Ki-Fueled Attack that can be used as your bonus action, you get an Extra Attack.
- Stunning Strike – Interfere with the flow of Ki in an opponent’s body, causing them to make a CON save or be stunned until the end of your next turn.
The Stunning Strike ability is really interesting. Because, let’s be honest, we’re not building a wizard that can stop time, but with some flavor we can do something similar to individual characters with Stunning Strikes. Time Stop is an ability of Star Platinum that halts the flow of time for a brief moment. I’d say, if your DM is fine with it, you could replicate something similar with a Stunning Strike. Plus, the “brief moment” is “several seconds” to Jotaro which would line up perfectly with the 6 seconds of a round of combat. This is perfect because a Stunning Strike lasts until the end of your next turn.
Level 6 – Visage of the Astral Self
At Level 6, you gain the ability to summon the visage of your astral self. This is done as a bonus action or part of the bonus action you take to activate Arms of the Astral Self. Again, it costs 1 Ki point and lasts for 10 minutes.
The Visage of the Astral Self covers your face like a helmet or mask and you determine its appearance. When present, it gives you the following:
- Astral Sight – You can see up to 120 feet in magical and nonmagical darkness
- Wisdom of the Spirit – Advantage on Wisdom and Charisma checks
- Word of the Spirit – You can speak directly to a creature within 60 feet of you, so that only they hear you. You can also amplify your voice so all creatures within 600 feet of you can hear you.
While these may seem a bit underwhelming, they again give us some interesting roleplaying opportunities, especially in combat. The Word of the Spirit is interesting. Say there’s a “Dio Brando” in your D&D campaign. I think Word of the Spirit would be really cool to use to have 1 on 1 dialogue in battle. It’d make it seem much more epic. Plus, this actually happened in Stardust Crusaders, in the episode when JoJo fought Dark Blue Moon underwater and they could still communicate.
Level 7 – Secret Technique
At Level 7, you unlock two primary abilities:
- Evasion – Allows you to dodge out of the way of certain area effects. When you succeed an an effect that allows you to make a DEX save to only take half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed and half damage if you fail.
- Stillness of Mind – With your mind, you can end 1 effect causing you to be charmed or frightened.
Both of the above have some innate similarities to JoJo. But I think Secret Technique could be roleplayed very well with Evasion. As we know, “Secret Technique” was the ability to carefully and quickly retreat from an opponent, keeping a close eye on surroundings for things to use to defeat or assist in defeating them. What better way to roleplay that than with Evasion?
Levels 8 – 10 – Keep Building JoJo Out
In an attempt to simplify this guide, and also make it easier for you to customize your build, I’ve lumped levels 8 – 10 together. That’s because there isn’t anything in particular that directly relates to the Astral subclass in those levels. Although, there are some interesting pickups, specifically Purity of Body that makes you immune to disease and poison.
Level 11 – Body of the Astral Self
This is where JoJo really comes alive. Up until Level 11, we’d need a bit of Theatre of Mind to really capture a Stand. With Body of the Astral Self, it all comes together: When both your astral arms and astral visage are summoned, you can cause the body of your astral self to appear (and don’t need an action to do it).
That’s right, the body of your Astral Self appears in full!
The details of the Body of the Astral Self mention that the spectral body covers yours like a suit of armor, connecting with the arms and visage and you determine the appearance. Pretty cool.
Here’s what you get:
- Deflect Energy – When you take acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, or thunder damage, you can use your reaction to deflect it. This reduces the damage taken by 1d10 + your WIS modifier (minimum of 1)
- Empowered Arms – One time on every turn, you can deal extra damage equal to your Martial Arts die (when you hit a target with the Arms of the Astral Self)
Levels 12 – 16 – Fully-Formed JoJo Is Almost There!
Again, we’ll skip a few more levels here. There’s not too much we specifically need to go over at this stage of the build. The majority of what you need has happened. Your character will get stronger with more Ability Score Improvements. You also gain interesting abilities like Tongue of the Sun and Moon (allows you to understand all spoken languages), Diamond Soul (proficiency in every saving throw), and Timeless Body (basically, you don’t get frail with age).
Level 17 – The Complete Jotaro in 5E DnD!
At Level 17, you’ve got the fully built-out (at least as much as possible in DnD) version of JoJo. At this level, you gain:
- Awakened Astral Self – Essentially, you have a full connection to your astral self, with it having reached its full potential. With a bonus action, you can use 5 Ki points to summon the full Astral Self (arms, visage, and body) and awaken it for 10 minutes.
- Armor of the Spirit – Gives you a +2 to AC
- Astral Barrage – If you use the Extra Attack to attack twice, you instead can attack 3 times (assuming they’re all made with the astral arms)
And that’s the full build! This is an exciting addition to D&D. Let me know if you build out a JoJo character and how it goes!
Because we know that Jotaro was a rough delinquent when we were introduced to him, but someone with a gentle heart and loyal to people he’s close to, we have some insight into his alignment.
I would say JoJo’s alignment is neutral good. Again, the Wiki gives is good insight here as they explain him having a “slightly neutral or disinterested attitude”.
Personality Traits
Jotaro is a character that comes off very cool because he’s a tall, big guy, but someone who seems aloof. But he’s a good person overall and someone who’s close to the few friends/family he has.
At the same time, he’s highly perceptive, smart and quick-witted.
Well, there you have it! Putting this guide on Jotaro in 5E DnD took some time, but I hope it helps if you’re creating JoJo in your next campaign. If you’ve read this and are still looking for ideas, here are 10 DnD character ideas to try out!

Hey there, I’m Alexander King and I’ve been playing video games and RPGs for years!
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