Vampire Survivors Best Items Tier List

Recently updated on May 26th, 2022 at 07:09 pm

So you’ve been playing Vampire Survivors and are now looking for a Vampire Survivors Best Items tier list, huh? We’ve also been playing the game, so we decided to create a tier list ranking all of the items in Vampire Survivors. Our methodology took into consideration the following:

  • Item benefits (DPS, survivability, etc.)
  • What weapon is paired with the item
  • What weapon combo would be created because of the weapon pairing

Vampire Survivor Item Tiers

S-Tier Items in Vampire Survivors

To be considered an S-Tier item in Vampire Survivors, it’s essential to have solid buffs that will be helpful for the beginning and ends of runs.


  • Why Spinach is an S-tier item in Vampire Survivors: Spinach is an item that pairs well with every other weapon, giving your character additional damage output. The weapon combo it creates is a solid B-tier weapon combo. In terms of pure DPS, this is a great option.
  • Effects: +10% weapon damage per item level (max item level of 5)


  • Why Candelabrador is an S-tier item in Vampire Survivors: Fill the screen with damage as you increase the area of attack per item level! This pairs with Santa Water to create La Borra (an S-tier weapon combo).
  • Effects: +10% area of attack per item level (max item level of 5)


  • Why Spellbinder is an S-tier item in Vampire Survivors: Keep your weapon attacks up and don’t worry about delays between weapons with Spellbinder! This item will increase the duration of your weapons’ effects and pairs with one of the best weapons in the game (King Bible) to create an S-tier weapon combo (Unholy Vespers)! If you’re playing Dommario, for example, Spellbinder is a must-have due to his starting weapon of King Bible. Click here to read more about the best characters in Vampire Survivors.
  • Effects: +10% weapon duration per item level (max item level of 5)

A-Tier Items in Vampire Survivors


  • Why Bracer is an A-tier item in Vampire Survivors: Bracer (one of the best starting weapons in Vampire Survivors) provides a nice buff to weapon speed and, when paired with Knife, creates an S-tier weapon combo.
  • Effects: +10% weapon speed per item level (max item level of 5)


  • Why Duplicator is an A-tier item in Vampire Survivors: Duplicator does what the name implies, giving you duplicate projectiles. This can really scale up the amount of damage your character can dish out. It also pairs with Lightning to create a solid C-tier weapon combo.
  • Effects: +1 amount per item level (max item level of 2)

B-Tier Items in Vampire Survivors

Empty Tome

  • Why Empty Tome is a B-tier item in Vampire Survivors: Empty Tome offers a nice buff to weapon cooldown, applicable to all weapons with cooldowns. It can scale well and pairs with a decent weapon.
  • Effects: -8% weapon cooldown per item level (max item level of 5)


  • Why Attractorb is a B-tier item in Vampire Survivors: It’s interesting, Attractorb is one of our least favorite items on its own (increases your character’s pickup range). But, it pairs with Santa Water to create one of the best weapon combos in the game, making it a B-tier item.
  • Effects: Bonuses to magnet effect per item level (max item level of 5)


  • Why Clover is a B-tier item in Vampire Survivors: This is a similar situation as Attractorb. Clover isn’t our favorite item on its own (increases your character’s luck), but it pairs with a solid weapon (Cross) to make an A-tier weapon combo (Heaven Sword).
  • Effects: Bonuses to magnet effect per item level (max item level of 5)

C-Tier Items in Vampire Survivors


  • Why Armor is a C-tier item in Vampire Survivors: Armor reduces incoming damage your character doesn’t take. While this can be helpful at the beginning of runs, it doesn’t scale well.
  • Effects: +1 armor per item level (max item level of 5)

Hollow Heart

  • Why Hollow Heart is a B-tier item in Vampire Survivors: Hollow Heart is similar to Armor, in that it increases your character’s durability. While the item benefit is a bit better, giving your character a percentage-based boost in max health, the weapon it pairs with (Whip) is one of the worst. The caveat here is that, when paired with Slash, one of the best Arcanas in Vampire Survivors, Hollow Heart becomes much more viable because it evolves Whip, which is affected by Slash.
  • Effects: 1.2X max health per item level (max item level of 5)


  • Why Pummarola is a C-tier item in Vampire Survivors: On its own, Pummarola isn’t that impressive. It does offer HP regeneration, but that it isn’t the most scalable item, especially in late game runs. It’s weapon evolution is also run of the mill.
  • Effects: +0.2 HP recovery per item level (max item level of 5)


  • Why Tiragisu is a C-tier item in Vampire Survivors: Tiragisu can offer a (literal) life-saving effect, giving your character additional revivals. It also pairs with solid weapons (Phiera Der Tuphello and Eight the Sparrow).
  • Effects: +1 revival per item level (max item level of 2)

D-Tier Items in Vampire Survivors


  • Why Wings is a D-tier item in Vampire Survivors: Wings make your character faster. This is more situational (as some characters move faster than others). It’s more helpful at the beginnings of runs compared to the ends.
  • Effects: +10% movement speed per item level (max item level of 5)

Getting this item is the first step to upgrading Shadow Pinion. Click here to learn how to evolve Shadow Pinion to get Valkyrie Turner.


  • Why Wings is a D-tier item in Vampire Survivors: While Crown does give a nice boost to experience, that boost is only helpful in the early game. Plus, it pairs with one of the worst weapons in the game (Pentagram) to create an F-tier weapon combo (Gorgeous Moon)
  • Effects: +10% movement speed per item level (max item level of 5)

Skull O’Maniac

  • Why Skull O’Maniac is a D-tier item in Vampire Survivors: Skull O’Maniac was primarily chosen as a d-tier item based on the difficulty. New players shouldn’t consistently use the item as it gives enemies better speed, health, quantity and frequency (which can be difficult, especially in early runs). With more experience in the game, this becomes beneficial when it comes to leveling up, especially in later runs.
  • Effects: +10% curse per item level (max item level of 5)

F-Tier Items in Vampire Survivors

Stone Mask

  • Why Stone Mask is an F-tier item in Vampire Survivors: Unless you’re really strapped for coins (which probably isn’t the case if you aren’t brand new to the game, this item isn’t viable. It also pairs with Gatti Amari to create a D-tier weapon combo.
  • Effects: +10% more coins per item level (max item level of 5)

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