Recently updated on May 26th, 2022 at 07:00 pm
You’re not the first Trainer to ask about the best places for Pokemon Go in California. Most of what we’ve found online simply shows a few good spots in specific cities. Below, we’ve compiled a list of the best places in California for Pokemon Go, and even show what you can expect in each of those cities.
The Best Places for Pokemon Go in California
San Francisco
The first city on our list of best places for Pokemon Go in California would be San Francisco. To start, it’s where Niantic headquarters are based. Those who have played in the area report that the spawns are unbelievable. In fact, especially at the beginning of Covid, many Trainers were involved in “spoofing”, where they tricked the game to think they were in San Francisco. This was done to specifically spawn into an area with a lot of great Pokemon to choose from.
Some of the best places to play Pokemon Go in San Francisco
- Golden Gate Park
- Presidio
- Beaches – Ocean Beach, Baker Beach, etc.
- Union Square
- Pier 39
Los Angeles County
If you’re looking for the best place for Pokemon Go in Los Angeles, we’ve got you covered. Los Angeles is a big city, with a lot of options when it comes to playing Pokemon Go. A few popular stops would be the Walt Disney Concert Hall, The Bloc, The Los Angeles County Museum of Art, as well as any of the cities below.
- Long Beach:
- Shoreline Aquatic Park
- Bixby Park
- Hilltop Park
- Pine Ave
- Santa Monica – You’ll have a good time basically anywhere around Santa Monica Pier, as it’s one of the best spots for rare Pokemon.
- Bakersfield – Some have said it can be difficult to find rare Pokemon in Bakersfield, but it’s easier than you think if you look in the right spots. We suggest University Park, Riverwalk, and the post office on Camino Media.
- Glendale:
- Brand Blvd
- Glendale Galleria
- Saguaro Ranch Park
- Pasadena – Pasadena is a gorgeous city in California and is filled with PokeStops. Pretty much anything on Colorado Blvd from the 710 on is a great place to play. So many stops to visit and a very nice city to walk around.
- Rowland Heights – A good place to look for Pokemon in Rowland Heights would be at the Peter F. Schabarum Regional Park.
Orange County
- Disney (Anaheim) – Ah, yes, Disney. This is a great place for Trainers to find exciting Pokemon while waiting in, potentially, very long lines. For some, it’s the perfect pairing to what could be a “drag” of an experience, having to wait for hours before getting on a single ride.
- Newport Beach – Regardless of the time of day, you’ll find plenty of exciting things happening if you’re playing Pokemon Go at Newport Beach. There are typically plenty of Lures, which help spawn Pokemon like Magikarp. You also have the chance to find Blastoise, Machamp, Electabuzz, and even Cloyster!
- Tustin – Tustin Sports Park is a great place to look for Pokemon.
San Diego
San Diego is a beautiful city, with a very unique look and feel. Here are a few of the best places in San Diego for Pokemon Go:
- Coronado – look for Dratini, Gloom and Electabuzz at the southern end near Coronado Cays
- Balboa Park – There are quite a few PokeStops and you can expect to find Taurus, Raichu and Scyther
- Allied Gardens – There’s a great spot with 6 PokeStops within a few minutes of walking distance
- La Jolla Shores – Plenty of interesting Pokemon to find, ranging from Omanyte to Pinsir
San Jose
If you’re in the area looking for San Jose looking for the best places to play Pokemon Go in San Jose, here’s where we would recommend:
- Memorial Park (Cupertino) – A lot of Charmanders reported here.
- Chinese Cultural Garden – You can find a lot of Pokemon around here, ranging from Zubat to Graveler.
- Lake Almaden Park – There are 20+ Trainers per here spamming lures here! Sit down and enjoy the crowd of Trainers helping you catch Pokemon.
- Overfelt Park – Enjoy the 30 PokeStops, as well as Pokemon like Dratini and Ominyte.
- Fairmont – There are quite a few Pokemon that spawn here, and it’s a great spot to walk around.
- Backesto Park – A great spot for both PokeStops and Pokemon. You’ve got plenty of bars, transformers, benches and churches to choose from.
If you’re looking for the absolute best places in Sacramento for Pokemon Go, we’ve selected a handful of places you should check out:
- Capital Park – Potentially the best spot in Sacramento for Pokemon Go. Try this spot next Community Day, where you can expect hundreds of fellow Trainers packed in one spot.
- Davis Arboretum – A nice spot to check out, you can find a nice amount of activity here.
- Sacramento State – Have fun touring the campus and finding exciting Pokemon.
- Howe Park – A nice, open area with playgrounds, picnics, areas for spots and, of course, Pokemon to find!
The best places for Pokemon Go in Oakland can be tricky to find without the right guidance. Here’s where we’d recommend:
- Lake Merrit – A pretty good area for Pokemon spottings. Like for the following Pokemon: Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Jigglypuff, Zubat, Oddish, Venonat, Psyduck, Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Doduo, Dodrio, Onyx, Krabby, Magicarp, and more.

Hey there, I’m Alexander King and I’ve been playing video games and RPGs for years!
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